Kirsty Gordon: Redefining Travel in Africa

Kirsty Gordon

Kirsty Gordon’s journey through the travel industry has been nothing short of remarkable, characterized by her resilience, creativity, and deep-seated passion for Africa. Her story unfolds across continents, driven by a profound love for travel and an unyielding commitment to excellence.

First Pivotal Moment

Kirsty’s career trajectory has been marked by several pivotal moments that shaped her path in the travel industry and beyond.

One of the first significant milestones was when she was headhunted by the Felix Unite Group (Chameleon Indabas) for their incentives and event management division. Leaving Wynberg Travel, where she had thrived under Sally Omolony’s mentorship, was a difficult decision. However, this move ushered her into a new era of her career, proving to be a strategic and beneficial step in the long run.

A few years later, Kirsty’s entrepreneurial spirit took flight as she ventured into starting her own companies: Webtour Africa, an online travel agency, and Heading South Africas, which offered glamping and overland experiences in Botswana. These ventures showcased her innovative approach and deep understanding of the travel market.

In a bold and adventurous pivot, Kirsty sold her companies to pursue a professional equestrian career in the UK, aiming to qualify for the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Despite a fall in 2007 that thwarted her Olympic dreams, this period was a testament to her willingness to take risks and follow her passions.

Following her time in the UK, Kirsty faced a crossroads. She spent several months in London working in recruitment for actuaries, contemplating whether to return to South Africa and the travel industry or embark on a new career in finance. The global credit crunch and subsequent recruitment freezes made the decision clearer, prompting her return to South Africa, driven by her longing for family, friends, and the unique lifestyle the country offers.

Building Anywhere in Africa Safaris

Kirsty’s return to Cape Town marked another significant turning point. Recognizing the myriad opportunities in a developing country, she embraced the challenge of looking beyond the comfort zone. Her passion for travel, helping people plan trips, and her love for Africa led to the foundation of Anywhere in Africa Safaris.

Initially intended as a short-term role, Kirsty’s involvement with Timeless Africa Safaris under Marco Van Embden’s leadership extended to seven years. During this period, she worked extensively with individual travelers and group travel, particularly catering to the YPO/WPO market.

In 2015, Kirsty decided to reinvigorate Anywhere in Africa Safaris, driven by a desire to steer her own ship once again. Despite having a stable job and enjoying her work at Timeless Africa Safaris, she felt the need to innovate and expand her horizons. Restarting Anywhere in Africa Safaris was a daunting decision, given the saturated travel market and the uncertainties involved.

With over 30 years of experience, Kirsty laid a solid foundation for her business, meticulously setting up systems and preparing for client inquiries. Her hands-on approach ensured that clients received personalized attention, without being passed from consultant to consultant. This commitment to direct engagement remains a cornerstone of her business.

Pre-COVID, Kirsty’s business relied heavily on word-of-mouth referrals and repeat clients. In 2020, recognizing the need to adapt to changing times, she invested in digital marketing to position Anywhere in Africa Safaris for a new era. Despite the pandemic’s challenges, her strategy paid off, ensuring the company’s resilience and continued success.

In 2023, Kirsty further strengthened her team by hiring Adrienne Krüger and Ashley Burdett to enhance digital marketing efforts and update the company’s website. This focus on quality over quantity has been pivotal in maintaining Anywhere in Africa Safaris’ esteemed reputation.

Mentorship and Early Career Influence

Kirsty Gordon’s career in corporate travel was profoundly shaped by the mentorship she received from Sally Omolony, the owner of Wynberg Travel in Cape Town. Sally’s meticulous approach to corporate travel and incentive programs set a high standard that Kirsty strives to uphold to this day. “Her attention to detail on all the incentive programs we designed for top corporate companies in Cape Town was incredible,” Kirsty recalls, highlighting the comprehensive nature of Sally’s work—from gifting incentive drops to detailed itinerary design and thorough site visits to ensure top-notch experiences for their clients.

Kirsty’s initiation into the incentive division was rigorous. On her first week, Sally tasked her with designing a sample itinerary. The feedback process was intense, with the itinerary undergoing four revisions before meeting Sally’s exacting standards. “Oh my goodness there were red marks everywhere,” Kirsty remembers. Despite the challenges, this experience was a crucial learning curve that ingrained in her the importance of being detail-oriented, creative, and particular about the end product.

“She was a great mentor and I couldn’t have wanted to work anywhere else and with anyone else in my first job in travel,” Kirsty reflects, underscoring the profound impact Sally had on her professional development.

Guiding Principles for Decision-Making

When faced with difficult decisions, Kirsty adheres to a set of guiding principles that have consistently ensured sound judgment and effective outcomes. One of her core philosophies is to keep things simple and sometimes go back to basics. “Often I tell my team, stop the bus, take a step back and then re-engage,” Kirsty explains. This approach encourages her team to pause, reassess the situation, and then move forward with a clearer perspective.

Kirsty also believes in maintaining what works and focusing on improvement rather than unnecessary change. “If things are working, don’t change them. Just ‘look out the box’ and see how you can improve but don’t change what is working,” she advises. This principle emphasizes the importance of stability and incremental enhancement, ensuring that successful processes and strategies are refined rather than overhauled.

Building and Motivating a Team at Anywhere in Africa Safaris

When building her team at Anywhere in Africa Safaris, Kirsty looks for individuals who share a deep love for Africa. Regardless of their role, whether in marketing, administration, or Google Ads, a shared passion for the continent and its heritage is a fundamental criterion. “Everyone on the team is proud of their African heritage and wants to share it with the world,” Kirsty asserts, highlighting the cohesive and unifying force of a common passion.

To keep her team motivated and aligned with the company’s goals, Kirsty employs several key strategies. Real-time communication and updates ensure that everyone is on the same page and engaged with the company’s progress. Additionally, she believes in giving credit when it is due, not just at the end of the year but in real-time. This practice fosters a culture of immediate recognition and appreciation, which boosts morale and motivation.

Transparency is another cornerstone of her management style. By maintaining open and honest communication, Kirsty ensures that her team feels valued and informed, which is crucial for maintaining alignment with the company’s goals. Through these strategies, Kirsty cultivates a motivated, cohesive, and passionate team dedicated to delivering exceptional travel experiences and sharing the beauty of Africa with the world.

Navigating the Post-Pandemic Travel Industry

The travel industry has faced unprecedented challenges, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Kirsty Gordon views this period not as a setback but as a transformative phase that has reshaped the industry for the better. “I don’t think we need to keep talking about the COVID-19 pandemic in such a negative way. If anything, it has forced our sector to put people over profits, to care for wildlife, communities, and people,” she observes. The pandemic necessitated a shift in priorities and operations, emphasizing flexibility and a more human-centered approach.

The industry’s response to the pandemic mirrored the resilience seen in the African bush, where survival of the fittest prevails. This period allowed the best of the best to rise, highlighting the critical role tourism plays in economies. Governments have recognized this by increasing their investment in the sector.

Moreover, the downtime afforded by the pandemic enabled establishments to renovate, reevaluate, and improve their product offerings—opportunities that were previously constrained by constant demand. This period of reflection and enhancement has paid off significantly for Kirsty. “I am having my busiest year yet, even before COVID times, and that is a testament to our great reputation and Africa being such an incredible destination,” she proudly notes.

Empowering Women to Break Barriers

Kirsty’s message to women aspiring to break barriers and redefine success is one of action, courage, and self-belief. “Don’t just aspire and talk about breaking barriers, go out and do it,” she advises. She emphasizes the importance of setting ambitious goals, ones that might seem daunting at first. “If your idea or vision doesn’t scare you then it’s not big enough. Think bigger,” she encourages.

In moments of self-doubt, Kirsty recommends a strategy of self-compassion and empowerment. “Talk to yourself as you would do to a friend. Yes, it may sound silly, but be your own hypewoman, just as you’d hype a friend when their imposter syndrome kicks in,” she suggests. This approach fosters resilience and self-confidence, crucial traits for anyone aiming to break new ground.

Kirsty redefines success not by financial metrics but by fulfillment. “Success isn’t about money. It’s about fulfillment—I love my work, I love helping people, I love creating Ambassadors for Africa through clients who travel with Anywhere in Africa Safaris,” she shares.

Belief in oneself and one’s team is vital, and she urges women not to feel intimidated but to harness the power of collective positivity and strength. “Create women power and positivity,” Kirsty concludes, underscoring the importance of supportive and empowering environments for women to thrive.


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