“Why Women Kill” is a darkly comedic anthology series created by Marc Cherry, known for his work on “Desperate Housewives.” The show explores the lives of women across different decades, each confronting infidelity and betrayal within their marriages. Season 1 intertwines the stories of a 1960s housewife, a 1980s socialite, and a modern-day lawyer, all residing in the same Pasadena mansion. Season 2 shifts focus to a 1940s setting, following a meek housewife’s transformation after being denied entry into an exclusive garden club.
Audience Reception
On Rotten Tomatoes, “Why Women Kill” holds a 76% average Tomatometer score and an 88% audience score, indicating generally favorable reviews.
IMDb users have rated the series 8.3 out of 10, reflecting strong viewer appreciation.
Season 1: A Triptych of Betrayal
The inaugural season presents three parallel narratives set in different eras, all linked by the common theme of marital infidelity. Viewers have praised the show’s unique structure and engaging storytelling. One IMDb user noted, “The final episode weaved all three stories into their own exciting conclusions, and I can’t wait to see what Marc Cherry comes up with next.”
The meticulous attention to period-specific details, including costumes and set designs, has been lauded for enhancing the viewing experience.
Season 2: A Singular Tale of Transformation
Departing from the multi-timeline format, Season 2 focuses on Alma, a 1940s housewife aspiring to join a prestigious garden club. Her journey from meekness to assertiveness has been compelling for many viewers. A Rotten Tomatoes review highlights, “It’s an almost cartoonish dark farce led by a sensational cast. Tolman, whose entire demeanor changes incrementally throughout the series, is totally compelling.”
However, some fans expressed a preference for the original format, finding the single-story approach less engaging.
Comparisons to “Desperate Housewives”
Fans of “Desperate Housewives” will find familiar elements in “Why Women Kill,” such as dark humor and intricate character dynamics. An IMDb reviewer remarked, “If you loved Desperate Housewives, you’ll love this new series by the same writer and creator Marc Cherry.”
The show’s ability to blend drama and comedy resonates with audiences seeking a similar narrative style.
Critiques and Considerations
While the series has garnered positive feedback, some viewers have noted areas for improvement. Critics have mentioned that certain characters lack depth, and the show’s campy tone may not appeal to everyone.
A review from The Hollywood Reporter states, “Marc Cherry is the Mark Zuckerberg of complicated, high-camp women: He gives us the product we think we want, but in the end, it still only feels like a facsimile of the real thing.”
“Why Women Kill” offers a captivating blend of dark comedy and drama, exploring complex themes of love, betrayal, and societal expectations. Its unique storytelling approach and strong performances make it a noteworthy series for fans of character-driven narratives. While it may not suit all tastes, those who appreciate Marc Cherry’s previous work are likely to find “Why Women Kill” engaging and thought-provoking.
Our Rating – 3.5/5
Title Image Credit to Prime Video and Paramount+