Sweat It Out with Callie Jardine

Callie Jardine Exeleon Women

Callie Jardine’s love affair with Pilates started when she searched for low impact workouts that would help with her chronic tendonitis in her knees. Her growing up years as a competitive figure skater and her newfound love for Pilates and Barre prompted her to become a trainer.

With the emergence of the global pandemic, Callie turned to online platforms to expand her network. Soon enough, her social channels started garnering massive reach. Today, the young entrepreneur has gone onto establish a full-fledged business – Sweaty Studio and has built an ever-growing community who share a similar love for Pilates and fitness.

How would you describe your philosophy on health and fitness?

I’m all about balance and figuring out what works best for you. A big part of my classes includes empowering my students to learn to care for their bodies inside and out and part of that includes focusing on the mindset.

For women especially, a lot of fitness content is hyper focused on how it will make you look on the outside. I wanted to create fitness content that also focuses on how you feel on the inside. I encourage my students to be kind to themselves and find balance as they learn to adapt to healthy habits.

Not beating yourself up for allowing yourself to indulge every so often and having grace with yourself as you learn what does, and doesn’t, work best for you is so important to me now and it’s something I always strive to be very open and honest about as a fitness trainer and influencer.

Talk to us about your love for Pilates and how it eventually started your fitness business – Sweaty Studio.

I grew up as a competitive figure skater and suffered from chronic tendonitis in my knees which led me to search for alternative ways to train off of the ice. I eventually discovered low impact workouts like Pilates and barre during my search and completely fell in love. I began teaching Pilates and barre at local studios throughout Miami while I was still a college student. Around the same time, I also started sharing my passion for fitness, stemming from my upbringing as a competitive figure skater turned Pilates trainer, on a blog called “I’m Sweaty and I Know It”.

I was still a college student in 2020 when the pandemic forced all of the gyms to shut down in person classes and switch to virtual. I spent the remainder of my junior year juggling classes, learning how to teach virtual barre and Pilates classes, and publishing blog content. With so many starting to share fitness content on social media during this time, my friends encouraged me to start posting workouts on TikTok, which I was reluctant to do at first but as soon as I did my social media accounts grew exponentially.

I decided to expand my content across platforms, started experimenting with long-form content on YouTube and teaching Instagram live classes from my blog’s Instagram page, I’m Sweaty and I Know it. Eventually, that led to me creating my app and on-demand Pilates platform Sweaty Studio which has now become my full-time business. In addition to the studio, I also post relatable and practical wellness advice on my podcast, Healthy but Human, which currently has amassed over 1 million downloads. I was actually able to quit my full-time job last year to focus on my business full-time and I’ve now generated over six figures in annual profits.

Since starting your business, what has been the biggest challenge for you when it comes to growth?

As a young entrepreneur I recognized there was a lot for me to learn. I also recognized that opportunities could be found in the least expected situations. Working through my imposter syndrome and preventing myself from letting it stop me from taking the steps I needed to grow was pivotal for me. I had to give myself a lot of grace to learn, make mistakes, and continue to grow.

I recall my very first launch made less than $50 and I felt like an absolute failure. Instead of letting the numbers kill my dreams and stop me from continuing to pursue my goals, I recognized that I needed to keep learning and take this “failure” as an opportunity to grow. I eventually figured out what worked best for me and resonated most with my audience and as a result of perseverance and humility, I now have a 6-figure business!

It definitely takes a lot of patience and a lot of humility to recognize where you still need to learn but it’s so important to not be afraid and keep trying.

What approach do you follow in maintaining your fitness level? What does a typical day look like in the life of Callie Jardine?

A big part of my fitness regimen at this stage is continuing to make sure I’m challenging myself so lately I work to progressively increase my resistance by blending heavier weights with my Pilates workouts.

A typical day for me these days is wake up, eat a nourishing breakfast, and make sure I’m getting some morning quiet time before I kick off my day. Balance is important to me, so I make sure to prioritize both my family and my business. Most days I’ll take a walk with my husband and dogs outside, film social media content and workouts, and then I typically spend a great deal of time at the beach surfing or soaking in the sun.

Many afternoons I work on editing and engaging with my community and once work has wrapped up for the day, I focus on spending time with my husband and friends. Again, balance is key.

What would be your advice for someone just starting to lead a healthier lifestyle and incorporate fitness?

While it’s so helpful to have guidance and inspiration from fitness coaches and influencers, ultimately, it’s important to remember that no one is created the exact same and what works for you might look totally different than what’s worked for others.

I made the mistake of pushing my body past its limits on multiple occasions because of the misconceptions I had about what it would take to get my body in peak physical shape. I unfortunately cannot tell anyone what the perfect amount of exercise is to get into shape, however I always encourage my students and audience to be open to trying new things and see what works best for them.

I find that the best results come when you feel confident, empowered, and remain consistent. It’s far easier to be consistent with workouts you love than those you don’t like very much so really focusing on finding what feels right for you is so important. How you feel about yourself as a whole is just as important. I live by the statement “you cannot hate yourself into a body that you love”. I truly believe with self-love and confidence we are better able to find and stick with the routines that work best for us.  Start with the mindset and the rest will follow.

Moving forward, what does the future hold for you and Sweaty Studio? What are you most excited about?

Sweaty Studio is unique in that I really grew my community via social media, particularly during the pandemic, so I’m really focused on ways to continue to engage with my online community which I currently do via monthly workout programs, challenges, and weekly live sessions. What’s really exciting for me now is the opportunity to also grow and connect with my community in person by offering Pilates beach classes. Nothing beats having that face time with my students.

Additionally, I’m working to bring reformer Pilates to the studio since I’ve primarily stuck with mat and wall Pilates up until recently. I’m also planning to launch branded fitness equipment. Lots of exciting stuff is happening at Sweaty Studio!


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