Teresa Lynn: Embracing the Fitness Mindset

Teresa Lynn

Q1. How did you get into this fitness journey?

Growing up, I knew nothing about healthy balanced nutrition to fuel my body properly, and I constantly dealt with painful digestive issues and inflammation. After my mom passed away 16 years ago, I myself had some health concerns that directly related to some of the same gut health issues my mom suffered with. I consulted many doctors who resorted to recommending pills opposed to a lifestyle change, which was what I really needed in the long run.

My mom passed away when I was 26 years old and that was a traumatic event that elicited a lot of reflection about life as it was and my future.

When I was 33, I had a miscarriage, but fortunately not long afterwards I was pregnant again, and had a healthy son by C-section! Having my son was a huge eye-opener for me that I needed to make some serious changes in my life.

When my son was born, I looked at him in my arms and I knew I had to learn how to grow stronger mentally and physically to be around as long as possible for him and my family. I made a decision that impacted my life for the better! 

I have been learning and growing within the health and fitness industry now for the last 7 years trying to stay active and nutritionally balanced. I made internal health and exercise an integral part of my lifestyle. Now my son sees how important fitness and nutrition is for all our internal and external health. I made a decision that not only impacted my life for the better, but also my sons. I look up daily knowing my mom would be proud that despite my busy lifestyle, I made time for me, which in turn, gives me more time with my son! 

Q2. What’s your fitness mantra?

I CAN, AND I WILL came from building confidence through learning about my body physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I pushed myself to step outside my comfort zone, challenge myself, as well as learn from others! Building confidence is about self-love and reclaiming your authentic self. You can, and you will!

Q3. What motivates you every day?

My intrinsic motivation comes from connecting to myself and what makes me feel great inside and out. I know what it feels like to be unhealthy internally and externally. I understand the pain, discomfort, and mood imbalances when feeling sick because of being stuck in a state of toxicity in my body from years of not being healthy.

I knew that I did the best I could at the time with the information I had as I grew up. But I also knew I was able to unlearn those bad habits and become stronger, happier, and more energized. I’m motivated each day by loving who I am becoming and loving the process and knowing deep within me I never want to go back to feeling how I did years ago before I knew better.

This is my future and my life and through my sons’ eyes I find the motivation to keep going and never give up!

Q4. What advice do you have for women starting out on their fitness journey?

Learn from others and be open to taking risks and being uncomfortable. One of the best pieces of advice I was given is “progress over perfection!” 

Working on becoming 1% better each day is the goal. Reflect on your daily habits and routines. Ask yourself if what you’re doing is pushing you towards your goals or away from them. Be patient with yourself and find what motivates you to keep going on the days you don’t want to, because willpower doesn’t last, but building healthy habits does.

Q5. What’s your message to other moms out there?

My hope is that I can help inspire and empower other moms to have the courage to make their health and fitness a lifelong goal! One thing I kept telling myself on a daily basis is that what I am not changing, I am choosing. So, each day I made the time to exercise because it ultimately is MY CHOICE to be healthy! Exercise for me a lifestyle and a part of my daily routine! 

I fell in love with strength and resistance training, and I love continuing to learn more about health and fitness each day! I also believe in the 80/20 rule to focus on whole, healthy foods 80% of the time and still be able to have those cookies, that I had fun baking with my son, 20% of the time.

It’s really about learning what your body needs to function and feel its best. 

I find success in tracking my macros and taking care of my gut health first. 

Truly, I’m grateful for those who inspired me when I started, and making the decision to prioritize health and fitness as an integral part of my everyday life is how I can make a difference for myself, my son, and to encourage and inspire others. We can’t stop time, but we can choose how to spend it. Change your mindset, change your life, and never stop learning! 


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